the nature of my job allows me to travel quite a fair bit... with
the advent of camera phones and other mobile technology, and also possibly the
innate ADHD gene in me.. this is the inevitable outcome.. :D

Monday, February 1, 2010

rat race?

another quick weekend work in tpe..

i remember vaguely when i was still schooling i resented the thought that i had to be in a white collar job, chasing paperwork and pleasing bosses as i slog on with my life one day. and some time ago, i was happy (or foolish) enough to think hey, i think i did get away from all this...

just sitting in the transit lounge in sg; flying from tpe back to syd, it somehow dawned on me that i am not really in control of my own life am i? i had just worked non-stop for the last 14 days and will continue for the next 11... gosh that's almost another 2 weeks till my next weekend off.

when we often hear expert's advise that we should take a step back and take stock of our life, to look at the big picture so to speak, somehow i sometimes feel that it may be better NOT to see the big picture, to live in ignorance instead...... as ignorance is bliss right?

work is good correct? i have a couple of close friends who still have trouble finding new jobs after being made redundant last year..... but am i happy? i guess so... do i resent my working life? sometimes.....maybe i am just a cry baby never really truly happy with what i've got. lamenting being in a rat race, tasked to travel at a blinding speed.. but who am i to blame when the person i am truly racing against is myself?

god, i think i need help.....

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